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Help! Something strange in the litter tray


Warren Scout
Smudge, my elderly bunny hasn't been very well and stopped eating, took him to the vet yesterday who felt his jaw and said it may be a bad tooth and gave me painkillers, medication to get his tummy working again and some oxbow critical feed to encourage him to start eating again.....glad to say after several administrations since last night he did start eating again this morning, but when I checked the litter tray (which he shares with his companion Coco) I found a few poops attached together with a yellowy gooey lumpy mucus, :/ never seen anything like it before and wondered if anyone knows what is could be?? Wondered if this was what was upsetting him ...I believe it to be his because the poops are small and dehydrated not plump like Coco's (sad to say I'm a poop watcher) I am hoping the attached picture may help...it is gross so don't look if you're having food lol....there is some litter matter attached too...

Would be very grateful for any help on this ...thanks

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The mucus is a response to swelling in the guts. You usually get this after an episode of stasis. It's normal so don't worry too much about it. It's usually a sign that things are on the mend.

As for your vet. Did they actually look in his mouth or just feel his jaw? If they didn't look in his mouth then I would be wondering exactly how rabbit savvy they are. You can feel changes in the jaw from certain dental issues but that is most definitely not a diagnosis. Did they offer to do a dental on him? Apart from that they seem to have done everything right.
I've used the same vets for years and they have always been spot on in the past....having said that my usual vet is away and so I saw a different (though equally good) vet (his speciality is exotics surgery, especially bunnies) and I think you're right that maybe the swelling he felt was an old one as he had a reoccurring abscess and dentals for a while which I think may have left him with a bumpy jaw line ....probably my usual vet would know this :/
That said, Smudge is coming up for 10 and I think probably has lost some back teeth hence the reticence to eat. He has also had stasis in the past and though he didn't present quite as he has previously I now think (after what you said) this could have been the case ....especially as he is now eating a little more and seeming better since passing the gooey stuff....thank you for the reassurance. He has an appointment for next week to see my usual vet just so I know there is nothing else going on, I will keep the sample and show him. Thanks again :)

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