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Help! Bonding newbie! what happens now?


New Kit
I have had my neutered female bun for six months. I got her a neutered male boyfriend on Saturday. They spent all day Saturday and all day Sunday in a neutral pen in my garage under supervision. There was one mild fight where fur was lost but no cuts or scratches. Otherwise, the boy occasionally will try to hump the girl and she won't allow him and will hop or run off. He sometimes slowly follows her and will try one or two more times or he gives up until later. They eat near each other and wash near each other. She is not hugely interested in him but I have seen him lower his head to her and she groomed his ears briefly and he closed his eyes. Are these good things com where do I go from here? Please please help.
It sounds good so far, I would keep a close eye on them for at least 3 days before moving them into what will be their couple accommodation. Again this need to be a neutral space or hutch. If you are putting them back in your females accommodation, it will need a good scrub to remove her scent or she might turn territorial and turn on her new husbun.
Running away from her boyfriend is a very good sign and this behaviour should die down soon. When they had a little scrap they would be sorting out their hierarchy and this probablt won't happen again, except when you put them into a different hutch/area. The females are more territorial than the males so be carerful where you put them both until they are properly bonded. Good luck with the bonding.