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My Trio


Alpha Buck
Day 9 of bonding today and although it is very early days, I think I can tentatively say that I have a trio and that they don't mind each other. There has been no fighting at all for 2 days. I can imagine it will take weeks/months to find them snuggling up, but I am delighted with their progress so far! They are sitting close and closer each day, so fingers crossed!





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They do love their leaves! I love that when they finish their leaves they strip the bark from the branches too - great for their teeth!
Holly (leaves only!) We've been living at this house for 3.5 years and the back garden has 3 holly trees that hang over the perimeter fence, only 1 of which is kind of ours (the base of the tree is on our side of the fence, but it mostly grows on the neighbours side!). I was really worried when we first moved in, constantly swept them up but the bunnies loved them, always foraged for any I missed, eating the brown ones and any green ones that dropped off as they shed leaves in summer. So 3 plus years on they are still here to tell the tale, I think the leaves are safe. They never eaten the berries.
Ah yes I can see now the ones in the background are holly! Didn't think the foreground ones were though!

I've just remembered how much my bunnies used to love the brown crunchy leaves when they were outdoor bunnies! I might go see what I can find in the garden tomorrow if I get home before dark :D I have a pear tree but that's nearly dead from me snapping branches off of it.. think I should give it a year or two recovery! Got a blossom tree but that was transplanted from my front to back garden last year and it really should be left alone and not scavenged to make sure it fully settles in (which it is doing, it's just started to blossom!!! :D :D :D) and massive fir trees but that's it where trees are concerned... there's some bushes but I don't know what they are or if they're bunny safe :(
I'm going to start struggling to reach the branches soon and I wouldn't dare cut anything else as I'm not sure if it's safe! If I could find a way of safely sending prickly holly in the post you would be welcome to it, lol! Oh and I think the front one doesn't look like holly as it's the male tree (no berries)
I'm going to start struggling to reach the branches soon and I wouldn't dare cut anything else as I'm not sure if it's safe! If I could find a way of safely sending prickly holly in the post you would be welcome to it, lol! Oh and I think the front one doesn't look like holly as it's the male tree (no berries)

I did not know there were male holly trees :shock: they should be called howards not hollies!

I can imagine if you could send it my post man would be extremely grumpy handing that over :lol:

I think I may go scavenge for some howard bushes next weekend they look less prickly than the holly bushes :lol:
Different subspecies have prickles or not, not usually different genders :) We've two 'blue' hollies out the back, one male and one female, and they're identical except when they 'flower' on one has berries. I think most subspecies can pollinate each other though!