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Daisy and Digby in their new garden!!


Wise Old Thumper
I was really worried at first, as there is a large patio area outside the back door, with some steps going down to the lawned area. Both buns were very nervous of the steps at first, but they are fine now thank goodness... Although I would still like to make a ramp of some kind to make it easier for them , as both have arthritis...

But here they are exploring!!

Oooh what lucky bunnies loads to explore :thumb:

Daisy on her own looking away saying "yes I'm white and I'm lying in the mud so deal" :lol:

And a good bunny tree you have Mountain Ash and I think on the left looks suspiciously like a magnolia;) but not sure :oops:
Oooh what lucky bunnies loads to explore :thumb:

Daisy on her own looking away saying "yes I'm white and I'm lying in the mud so deal" :lol:

And a good bunny tree you have Mountain Ash and I think on the left looks suspiciously like a magnolia;) but not sure :oops:

Thank you! I was going to start a new thread about the trees! So the one on the right, which I've always known as the 'tree of heaven' is mountain ash? And it's bunny safe? Do you think the other one is safe? :wave:
Thank you! I was going to start a new thread about the trees! So the one on the right, which I've always known as the 'tree of heaven' is mountain ash? And it's bunny safe? Do you think the other one is safe? :wave:

The Mountain Ash they will eat everything berries flowers when they are dry and drop and the leaves and branches :D they climb on my bench to get at this tree :roll:

If it is a magnolia then definitely mine love it and have stripped the lower branches it's only a few years old, using an upturned plant tub which they moved into,place :roll: they like the flowers and branches too :thumb: and I even pick the brown Crunchie leaves before they fall and saved them for winter :lol:
The Mountain Ash they will eat everything berries flowers when they are dry and drop and the leaves and branches :D they climb on my bench to get at this tree :roll:

If it is a magnolia then definitely mine love it and have stripped the lower branches it's only a few years old, using an upturned plant tub which they moved into,place :roll: they like the flowers and branches too :thumb: and I even pick the brown Crunchie leaves before they fall and saved them for winter :lol:

I just googled mountain ash And tree of heaven... I think it's definitely the tree of heaven, which is toxic and spreads like mad :(

I just googled mountain ash And tree of heaven... I think it's definitely the tree of heaven, which is toxic and spreads like mad :(


Hmm just zoomed in and the red bits look like berries but zoomed they are like little pokers :( if they have ever come across it in the wild then they won't eat it knowledge is passed on via genes apparently in Rabbits ;) but don't quote me on that ! I would be inclined to get that taken out even if it is pretty :) or fence it off :thumb:

Do you know what the other is :)