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Bunny Blog for an outdoor rescued rabbit - Input appreciated!


Young Bun
I started a blog for my newly rescued bunny. He only had a few days left before he was going to be euthanized, so I rescued him. I am learning as I go along with him so any input / blog comments from other experienced outdoor bunny mums and dads would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Blanco BunBun's Blog
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Oh :love::love::love:...I've just read most of your blog ( though some pictures wouldn't load) and I'm almost in tears...not only because you have given him a new loving home, but you also have a lovely, caring "therapist" in Linda! With the two of you working together, he will become a much happier bun and though it may take a lot of time (sometimes years) he will come to trust you.

As for buns biting..it is their only way of communicating, the same way a baby cries, and as you rightly said in your blog, you need to look at what you can do differently.

And don't feel bad about him being outside...as long as he is safe from predators ( not sure which one you would have where you are) and you spend quality time with him he is better off than many bunnies throughout the world.
Oh :love::love::love:...

And don't feel bad about him being outside...as long as he is safe from predators ( not sure which one you would have where you are) and you spend quality time with him he is better off than many bunnies throughout the world.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading the blog! :wave: I'm sorry some pictures wouldn't load - that's weird - they all load here on both of my computers and my phone. Hmmm.....

For us, the only animals I have seen in my yard walking along the top of the fence are squirrels, 1 opossum sighting, and 1 raccoon sighting. I have also smelled a skunk closeby but have not seen one yet. I plan on keeping a shade cover on the exercise run at all times, just to be safe. I feel much better after reading your message - thanks! :)
Awwww what a lucky bun :love:

My Poppy bun was handed in to a rescue for being aggressive too, she is now the soppiest of all my rabbits :lol: Blanco will still have lots of pesky hormones making him feisty if he was only just been neutered, plus there is a chance that is eyesight might not be perfect, it's quite common for red eyed white buns to have bad eyesight. If he doesn't see you coming he is more likely to bite, that was one of Poppy"s problems, her eyesight is awful. But now she trusts me she doesn't lunge even if I do accidentally make her jump! :love:

Don't feel guilty putting him outside, he can't live in the bathroom forever!

His hutch looks lovely, he is a lucky boy, especially if you do extend his run space.

It may just not have been in the pictures, but how much hay does he get? To keep a bun healthy (and to avoid expensive dentals) he needs to be eating at least a pile the size of himself every day, it should make up 80-90% of his diet! It took me years to find that out, and whilst I always fed hay I wish someone had told me how important it was!
It may just not have been in the pictures, but how much hay does he get? To keep a bun healthy (and to avoid expensive dentals) he needs to be eating at least a pile the size of himself every day, it should make up 80-90% of his diet! It took me years to find that out, and whilst I always fed hay I wish someone had told me how important it was!

Thank you very much for your reply! :) It's the pics...the ones of the bathroom setup were taken before he was even picked up from the shelter. He has hay available at all times right now (he sure eats a lot of it!) but I don't think any of the pics represent that. Thank you for looking out for that! Those are the kinds of things as a new owner that I would love people to ask about / comment on - just to make sure I am doing things right!

He is such a lucky bun :love: I'm so glad you rescued him :love: I too think he will calm down a lot once his hormones subside, it can take up to six weeks for that. I look forwards to further updates :thumb:
Thank you very much for your reply! :) It's the pics...the ones of the bathroom setup were taken before he was even picked up from the shelter. He has hay available at all times right now (he sure eats a lot of it!) but I don't think any of the pics represent that. Thank you for looking out for that! Those are the kinds of things as a new owner that I would love people to ask about / comment on - just to make sure I am doing things right!



Brilliant, just thought I'd check ;) I love it when a new owner joins and you can just see how much they have researched and care about their bunny :love:
He is such a lucky bun :love: I'm so glad you rescued him :love: I too think he will calm down a lot once his hormones subside, it can take up to six weeks for that. I look forwards to further updates :thumb:

Thank you so much! I will try to update that blog as soon as I have new things to report....or come here with lots of questions! I am so glad to have found this forum - I am learning so much reading though all of the threads! :)
Aww bless him. Is his hutch inside an aivary run? Its just that the catches look quite flimsy and non preditor proof.

My lot (all eight of them) have an underbed storage box each as litter trays (32 or 64 litre) lined with newspaper, straw and hay. This helps with any stray pee!

Looks like Blanco is one well loved rabbit.