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post-booster illness

susie bun

Wise Old Thumper
Spenser had his booster (the myxi-vhd combination vaccine) this morning. Although he finished his breakfast when we came home he now looks out of sorts and is refusing his favourite hay. He had no issues after the same vaccine last year, but I'm wondering if there is anything I can do for him. He seems to want left alone.
The vaccination can make some Rabbits feel a bit 'off' for about 24 hours. Rather like a Flu vaccine can make us feel under the weather for a day or so. As long as he is eating something, drinking, pooing and weeing OK I dont think you have much to worry about. A dose of Metacam can help, especially if he is starting to run a bit of a temperature. So you could give the Vet a call and ask if it's OK for Spenser to have Metacam.
Then I would leave him be. It took Bobby 3 hours to come out of hiding after his vacc. But his love of food brought him out in the end as he wouldn't like to miss his dinner. :lol: Rabbits get so stressed don't they. I hope he starts to perk up in an hour or 2.
Thanks for replies. I've phoned the vet, and they advise bringing him back for a check at 3.30pm and I am to phone if he seems to deteriorate. The vet did say when examining him this morning that his gut sounded slow, so it may be that the stress of the vet trip has triggered stasis. I will ask about the metacam, thanks.
Spenser has had a gut stimulant injection. I am to take him back tomorrow if he does not poo overnight. He seems brighter though, and has eaten some hay and also a little fresh coriander.
Spenser is now much improved, and has used his basin. :thumb:

Wonderful news!!!! Spenser do you realise how much worry you cause your Mummy and your........fans?:love::love::love: Thank goodness you are getting better now.

Lots of love, not many snuggles though as I know you aren't really keen on them from me...Auntie Di. xxxxxx