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Alberts seems intermittently unstable and is dragging his back legs


As title, I have noticed him seem a bit wobbly once or twice over the last few weeks but it's usually been when he has just got up so thought it might be just stiffness from lying down but this afternoon he was really leaning to one side and seemed to be dragging his back end. It only lasted for about three or four hops and then he was fine again

I have given him some metacam and am going to nip out now and get some panacur to start that. I will of course call the vets tomorrow and get an appointment but just wondered if anyone had any advice as to what it could be before then? My first thoughts were EC hence the panacur?
I think you have covered what I was going to say re metacam in case inflammation but best to get him checked out. My vets are open on bank hols if you need it in future. Hope the meds help x
Sending vibes for Albert. I hope the meds can tide him over till he can be seen. Why does stuff like this always happen on a holiday/weekend? :( xxxxxxxx
Thanks guys he seems ok most of the time it's worse when he has been still or lying down for long periods. I feel like he has slight muscle wastage but that could be me seeing things that aren't there.

Thanks Sandra the vets are open for emergencies if needed but it's not that bad luckily
A month long course of pancur (deep clean everything at the end) certainly wouldn't hurt.

How old is he? Getting stiff can be age related.
Sounds a lot more like arthritis than EC related issues to me

Daily Metacam, acupuncture and massage could be helpful.

I would keep a good check on his hocks too as sore hocks can develop as a result of hind leg weakness issues, especially in Rexes xx
Sounds a lot more like arthritis than EC related issues to me

Daily Metacam, acupuncture and massage could be helpful.

I would keep a good check on his hocks too as sore hocks can develop as a result of hind leg weakness issues, especially in Rexes xx

Thanks Jane, he does have slightly sore hocks but he has done for the past 3-4 years and they have got to the epoint where the skin hs toughened up a bit now so they dont generally cause him problems. Will keep his meds topped up and see what the vets have to say