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My rabbit eats the carpet


Young Bun
My rabbit eats the carpet, what should I do? She doesn't have a part that she likes, so I can't put a bowl with food or something else there, because she likes to eat all the carpet: (
You could try spraying the carpet with vinegar until she stops thinking of it as tasty?
Otherwise I guess a large rug to protect the carpet (if she's chewing rather than eating) or replacing it with hard flooring would be the only options.
Is she spayed?
Ours started carpet-eating with a vengeance when they hit their 'teenage' years and nothing we could do would stop them.

Once they were spayed, we managed to get them to stop (mostly). We used a combination of a chew-stop spray, and clapping/distraction every time they started, but it took several weeks.

Five years on and they still have the odd nibble, but they're not persistent and can be stopped easily.
my lovely rug

I noticed that my bunny was eating my nice rug. After having a slight panic and checking her poop (nice job). I found that she was putting the bits of fluffy rugs into I her house. I've no idea if this is normal, or if my bunny thinks she's a bird making a nest!
Have a look
is she actually swallowing it? one of mine likes to dig, and pull out bits of wool from my rug, but she just leaves it in a pile :roll:

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