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Millie and Maddie *big photos, sorry I can't make smaller!*


Mama Doe
Sorry more photos of Millie and Maddie, hope no one minds, I'm sure you all love bunny photos anyway :lol:

First photo is Maddie cleaning her ears. Before I got them I didn't know rabbits could pull their ears down to clean them - it's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Excuse the puppy pad in the second photo, I put it down where they usually lie but they've decided not to use it and move over slightly! Bit poor quality photo but so funny, they stayed like this for 15 minutes.

P.S. Sorry they are so big I can't figure out how to make them smaller from Photobucket.

Don't make them smaller they're beautiful :love: I still can't get over how cute bunny washing is, even though I've seen it so many times! Same with my hamster, he's adorable when he's having a good wash :lol: :love:

Sorry more photos of Millie and Maddie, hope no one minds, I'm sure you all love bunny photos anyway :lol:

First photo is Maddie cleaning her ears. Before I got them I didn't know rabbits could pull their ears down to clean them - it's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Excuse the puppy pad in the second photo, I put it down where they usually lie but they've decided not to use it and move over slightly! Bit poor quality photo but so funny, they stayed like this for 15 minutes.

P.S. Sorry they are so big I can't figure out how to make them smaller from Photobucket.

They are so cute ;)
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :love::love::love:

I never get tired of seeing a bunneh washing; especially when they pull down their ears... It makes me go like goo every time! :lol::love::oops:

Beautiful bunnies :wave: