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Making a mess


Young Bun
Can anyone tell me why my bunny is digging in shredded paper? He seems to be moving it from the cage between the chairs and he's dragging it out of the cage and moving it under his chair, however he keeps moving it around and dragging it out of his chair! He is a house bunny and has lots of toys ( inc a castle) and full run of the garden and we even got him a little friend encase he was lonely but this has just started so I'm getting a bit concerned?


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He's a bunny and they like making a mess :) Mine like moving things around in the room and shredding cardboard boxes. The only thing to consider is if your bunny may be building a nest. Bunnies are quite difficult to sex and pet shops often get it wrong. If your bunny is actually a she and has been with a male bunny than she may be pregnant, however, the most likely reason for your bunny moving things around is just because he likes it!
Well biscuit is a boy and he's been neutered but Lucy we've only had her for a month and not old enough to get her done yet so I hope she's not pregnant as she's only 13 weeks old and they won't be my little biscuits!

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