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help rabbit wont use bathroom


New Kit
please help! my rabbit is about 1 year old and he has recently stopped eating his pellets. He is currently only eating his hay and wont drink any water. He has also recently stopped pooping and peeing. When I let him out to play he still runs around like normal. I plan to take him to the vet just thought i would get opinions first.
How long has he not been eating/pooing for? It is very serious when a rabbit stops eating, they have a very sensitive digestive system which can stop working altogether if they are not eating/pooing. He needs to see a vet URGENTLY. He may have dental problems which have caused his mouth to get sore, so it hurts when he eats or drinks. You must take him to a vet either tonight or first thing in the morning. Time is of the essence.
it has been a couple days since he stopped eating pellets but only a day since he stopped using the bathroom. He has been eating plenty of hay though. Im taking him into the vet tomorrow as thats the only time they can see us.
it has been a couple days since he stopped eating pellets but only a day since he stopped using the bathroom. He has been eating plenty of hay though. Im taking him into the vet tomorrow as thats the only time they can see us.

A whole day without pooing is very serious for a bunny. Your vet should know this. Good luck tomorrow, I hope they can help.
If your bun hasn't pooped for a whole day then he really needs to see a vet asap. If he stopped eating just pellets then it could be a dental problem, but he'll need some help to get his guts moving again now. Hope he'll be OK xx
please help! my rabbit is about 1 year old and he has recently stopped eating his pellets. He is currently only eating his hay and wont drink any water. He has also recently stopped pooping and peeing. When I let him out to play he still runs around like normal. I plan to take him to the vet just thought i would get opinions first.

When my bunny stops eating I know it's her teeth because she's always fine in herself and I notice her droppings slow down or get smaller.
I always take her to the vets ASAP. They will give an injection to stimulate the gut to make sure it doesn't stop all together which is very life threatening for rabbits.

If you speak to a vet and say the bun is no longer eating they will get you seen straight away - any rabbit savvy vet will.
Hope your bunny recovers well and it's not too serious xx
Thanks for the help! we took the bunny last night and he will be okay they put him on two medications. The hard part now will be syringe feeding them to him.
no x-ray just fluids at the vet to keep him hydrated they dont think it is a blockage because his gut was not tense. he has started to use the bathroom as we have been feeding him the critical care food.
no we did not get any they felt he was not in pain, but we could use some advice on syringe feeding as we need to give medicine 5 times a day and critical care food 5 times a day. he has started pooping again but we are still waiting for pee. we have gotten him to eat his greens with water on them to keep hydrated.
no we did not get any they felt he was not in pain, but we could use some advice on syringe feeding as we need to give medicine 5 times a day and critical care food 5 times a day. he has started pooping again but we are still waiting for pee. we have gotten him to eat his greens with water on them to keep hydrated.

A rabbit usually stops eating because they are in pain. If he is in pain (which he will be) then he will not start eating until that is controlled.

If he still isn't eating by himself, he needs to go back to the vets urgently.
Yes, I agree with this. Rabbits stop eating and pooing as a secondary reaction to pain - if you just treat the not eating/pooing symptoms, you don't get to the problem. Sounds like you might need a different vet if this one isn't particularly helpful?