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New cage and being snoozy!


Young Bun
The pair now finally have their cage :D

The amount of time they spend in it should be very minimal as they have free range when we're at home, but I just needed something to put them in when we're out so I know they're safe.

'Watching' a film!

They have their first Vets app. next Saturday for their jabs and to talk about getting them both neutered :love:
Hi there. They look very comfortable in their indoor cage. That bedding looks like straw but do you also give them plenty of hay to eat?

I found this for £15, free p&p. It would be good to attach to the cage as they will get bigger and rabbits can get some very bad (and annoying) bar biting habits from boredom etc. Especially having 2, no cage is big enough for a period of time for 1 rabbit tbh. I had one in a 48inch dog crate and attached puppy pen for when we were out, all she would do would be chew the bars which is probably the most annoying noise in the world:lol: She's free range now..!

Growing baby buns need lots of nutrients. Straw doesn't really have much of anything in it so if they are eating this instead of hay, they may not be getting everything they need. :)

Thanks for the concern, but I already know how important forage is thanks to the amount my horses have eaten over the past 12 years :lol:
The pair now finally have their cage :D

The amount of time they spend in it should be very minimal as they have free range when we're at home, but I just needed something to put them in when we're out so I know they're safe.

'Watching' a film!

They have their first Vets app. next Saturday for their jabs and to talk about getting them both neutered :love:

Please can I bun-nap them...... :oops: :lol: :love: