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How long does it take for a bond to break?

I take my two to the vet together in their carrier, and a lot of vets will let both rabbits stay if one is admitted because having their bonded partner there helps the sick bun recover :)
It depends on the buns and the bond, sometimes buns will never break and other times it can be as simple as mummy coming home smelling like a different bun :roll:

I always take both buns in a pair, I think it's better to have company on the car ride ect.
Depends on the bunnies - a normal vet visit doesn't phase mine, but an inpatient visit for the day does, have to take them together or there is chasing and humping when we get home. For mine it seems to be a territory thing - when one is left in their home without the other it causes issues if for long periods of time. The worst time was when Barney couldn't navigate the ramp from the hutch to the run - had to put him in the run myself, but because he wasn't in it during the night like she was (she used the ramp so had access to both places), she'd chase and nip him each morning when I put him in. I had to remove the ramp.