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We loves our new toys!!


Mama Doe



And a video:

Aww, they love it when they get something new to play with! I gave my bun Daisy a new willow bridge this morning, she was so happy pushing and scenting it, should have taken photo's but camera was'nt around!
Awww your buns are just adorable! Lucky buns :love:

Is that bunnybinks toys? Willow has some he never looks at them :oops: I spent ages choosing too :roll: perhaps his new wife will like them:thumb:
Yeah I've seen the Xmas ones and those are definite on my radar for Xmas pressies!

Yeah they are from that company, Kelly. Hopefully they won't just be flash in the pan though!!

Btw, I just left you a message on the 'meetup thread'.
Yeah I've seen the Xmas ones and those are definite on my radar for Xmas pressies!

Yeah they are from that company, Kelly. Hopefully they won't just be flash in the pan though!!

Btw, I just left you a message on the 'meetup thread'.

I replied :wave: I expect it won't be a five minute wonder, yours already look more interested than willow was :roll: