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Potential early pregnancy

Hi all

Ok. Bit of background.
I bought 2, 8 week old, sister lionhead bunnys a few weeks ago (they are now 13 weeks), and all was going well until this week. 'Scruff' began to mount her sister 'Fluff' ... The 21st century instinct was to google it, which put my mind at rest given I read that they will do this for dominance?!

HOWEVER. After taking them to the vet this morning, I've now discovered Scruff has testicles :-/

My friend is currently on her way over with a dog crate to separate the siblings.....

A few questions though:

- is Fluff likely to be pregnant?
- what do I do if so?
- they're obviously bonded; will this affect that?

Scruff is booked in to have the snip (poor lad) in a month or so.... And Fluff will follow when she is a bit older...

What in earth do I do?!


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If they are both 13 weeks, does do not tend to be fertile until at least 4 months and bucks can be neutered as soon as their testicles drop (from 12 weeks) I have a boy/girl pairing and I had Levi done at 13 weeks old. I kept him with daisy throughout this time. Personally I wouldn't recommend separation if at all possible, I would instead check daily to see if you can see/feel Scruff's testicles (if unsure I would take him to the vet, I thought i saw Levi's, booked him in immediately and the vet just double checked when I brought Levi in) and rebook scruff for his neutering ASAP.
Well yes, I didn't separate mine because daisy is a week younger than Levi and I had him neutered by 13 weeks. Obviously if you want to be certain re. Pregnancy separation is the only way to guarantee this. If you do separate try and do so in a way that means they can still see each other. To not separate is a gamble, but one I was willing to take in my specific situation.
Well yes, I didn't separate mine because daisy is a week younger than Levi and I had him neutered by 13 weeks. Obviously if you want to be certain re. Pregnancy separation is the only way to guarantee this. If you do separate try and do so in a way that means they can still see each other. To not separate is a gamble, but one I was willing to take in my specific situation.

Sorry - I deleted my post as I wanted to go back and re-read the original post.
So...... Given that daisy was a week younger (fluff isn't) you kept them together?

Sorry is a bit confusing without seeing all replies! Lol

So they are being separated as we speak but what I the likelihood of pregnancy now?

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What I was going to say was that I would separate them now until after he has been neutered (which sounds as though could be done now if the vet found his (rabbit's) testicles. I wouldn't wait a few months, which I think is what you said you were going to do.

Although it is unlikely that your doe is pregnant, it is a possibility and I think an emergency spay would be recommended if this is the case.
Sorry yes, I got Levi and daisy from a breeder who told me it would be fine to keep them together if I kept an eagle eye out for Levi's testicles and got him done ASAP. She told me that even though rabbits can technically get pregnant from 4 months the likelihood of this happening and daisy managing to carry and give birth to live kits that early was very unlikely. Obviously as I said it is up to you, if you feel better seperating until scruff has been neutered do so, but I would keep them so they can still see/smell/communicate with each other. Puppy pens are good for this.
I would separate. Not worth the risk, especially considering that if she were to get pregnant she's so incredibly young/small it could have horrible consequences for her, never mind the babies. And if it turns out they are the same sex, there's already been some dominance behaviour from one of them and I'd be wary of that leading to fighting, which is quite likely once the hormones kick in.

It won't do them any harm to be separated for a few weeks but it can do a lot of harm to leave them together, is the way I look at it. That's just my personal opinion :wave:
I feel i can comment on this thread ive just been though the exact thing with my two after being told i had two sisters mine were 13 weeks i was told that they are not fertile till they reach 14 weeks so i separated mine start away to (10 weeks ago) :) .. I have kept mine really close all the way through so they could touch noses and hopefully in a couple of weeks they can be together which im so longing to see again im hoping for a smooth bonding but who knows ... Good luck with yours :)
To be fair to whoever you bought them from it can sometimes be very difficult to sex young rabbits. And a male/female pair is generally accepted to be the most successful bonding wise :)
Yeah I mean honestly I never separated mine. (Though daisy was a week younger than Levi) and he did hump her but I don't think it was anything more than that, she was too young for anything to actually happen and kind of just tolerated it. I was originally hesitant about getting a boy/girl because of the 'baby issue' but my breeder was quite insistent that a boy/girl combo was best. Originally I wanted to get a high Rufus orange and an orange mini lop from the same litter (there were only two in the litter and I thought it would be nice to have them both and not separate them) but they were too young at the time to sex, so I waited hoping for a boy girl combo, but they turned out to be two girls, at which point my breeder strongly recommended choosing one of the girls and then a boy from another litter, so I chose an orange lion lop. And I can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made. :)
I actually got told by a vet i had 2 girls to find out a week later that we have one of each and she dropped one of them think she felt bad though cause she didn't charge us .. didn't go back there again :?
Yeah? Bad vet!! ;-)

Well they're separated now, so I guess it's only a matter of time before I will know. It's funny because you begin to see traits thy perhaps were already there.... She has started to become picky with her food and she keeps digging in her cage! Maybe she did that already but I never noticed....

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