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Rabbit Jerking and Laying on belly


New Kit
Our rabbit Oreo had surgery for the 2nd time on the side of her ear on Thursday, due to a re-occuring abscess. She seemed to be recovering fine but on Sunday she had her head in the air trying to get more oxygen in. She would not eat or drink anything so we went to the vet and he gave a anti-biotic injection but said her breathing was fine. Although we knew it was not normal, at night Oreo was making a noise while breathing as if their was mucus or something blocking the airways. She is always jerking her head and body back and fourth. On Monday she was still the same but had eaten small amounts of kale and drunk a little, we went back to the vets as she was still not breathing normally. The vet said she looked absolutely fine and was not exhibiting any symptoms that she showed while at home. The vet gave an injection to stimulate the gut and this seemed to work, when she got home she was eating all sorts of veg. Later however she started to jerk and breathe odd again and at night we though she wasn't going to last as her breathing seemed really bad. I think Oreo felt vulnerable when we took her to the vet and hid the symptoms. Some rabbits seem to have this issue and they think its hiccups but Im unsure about giving simithicone. I have a video showing her behaviour so please any advice is greatly appreciated.
Our rabbit Oreo had surgery for the 2nd time on the side of her ear on Thursday, due to a re-occuring abscess. She seemed to be recovering fine but on Sunday she had her head in the air trying to get more oxygen in. She would not eat or drink anything so we went to the vet and he gave a anti-biotic injection but said her breathing was fine. Although we knew it was not normal, at night Oreo was making a noise while breathing as if their was mucus or something blocking the airways. She is always jerking her head and body back and fourth. On Monday she was still the same but had eaten small amounts of kale and drunk a little, we went back to the vets as she was still not breathing normally. The vet said she looked absolutely fine and was not exhibiting any symptoms that she showed while at home. The vet gave an injection to stimulate the gut and this seemed to work, when she got home she was eating all sorts of veg. Later however she started to jerk and breathe odd again and at night we though she wasn't going to last as her breathing seemed really bad. I think Oreo felt vulnerable when we took her to the vet and hid the symptoms. Some rabbits seem to have this issue and they think its hiccups but Im unsure about giving simithicone. I have a video showing her behaviour so please any advice is greatly appreciated.

Can you post the video on here please
That looks like extreme respiratory distress. She really needs to see a rabbit savvy vet, asap.
Bramble has respiratory problems and he rocks when he breathes, not quite to that extent though. I'd whizz Bun off to the vets.
I would suspect that she has pneumonia, secondary to the abscess in her ear :cry:

She needs to be seen by a Rabbit Savvy Vet today She almost certainly needs admission for intensive care.
If possible take the video for the vet to see, as you say they often hide symptoms at the vet which makes it tough to explain whats happening. Don't be hesitant to put your foot down and be insistant if you aren't happy with what the vet is saying.
:cry: Aww poor Oreo.

She really does need to see a rabbit savvy vet. Do you know of any in your area? I would also show them that video. Hope she is better soon! x
Poor bun :cry: Hope the vet can help. Sending lots of vibes for Oreo xx

From Monday to Tuesday Oreo has made an improvement, she isn't Jerking as violently as before and is starting to wonder around a bit. The vet is still baffled as to what it is, she said it could be the anesthetic wearing off. She is eating a lot more and drinking and the vet has increased the amount of pain relief and antibiotics as Rabbits require 3x more than dogs. Oreo doesn't appear to be making the noise as much, hopefully these are all good signs.

Thanks for your help