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Any tips for giving panacur liquid


Mama Doe
Tilly's recent EC test results means I have to dose her and her partners for the next 28 days. I thought the liquid would be easier to administer but it's like milk of magnesia and all 3 of them run as soon as I open the bottle :roll: Has anyone disguised it succesfully on or in something?
i put panacur on half a strawberry in a wee bowl. littlebun ate the strawb and licked the bowl.

that said i know too many strawbs are not good but he wouldnt take it otherwise. someone also suggested a banana

good luck x
I've put it on a plantain leaf and foxed it lengthways so the panacur holds it closed a bit and fed it, but that was with a very low dosage, mot sure how much your guys are on!
Most bunnies I syringe but pansy gets really stressed so I put hers on grated carrot...works every time and she thinks she's getting a treat!
Thanks for all the replies :wave:
Maisie I'm using the liquid one as I hoped it would be easier. However with 3 free range housebuns its a chase every morning when they see me reach for the bottle and syringe :D
Picture it with the Benny Hill music, them darting behind sofas and under tables and me with syringe in hand bringing up the rear :lol:
I've tried ninja style and that way I get one but the other 2 are on high alert then :D
I think the paste tastes quite nice as mine just eat it up if I mash it up in a bit of banana or something. Never tried the liquid :?