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Hind leg amputation


New Kit
Hi there, I have a little Netherland Dwarf bunny who is just 12 months old and is the life and soul of the party lol. He has a fab temperament and outlook on life...BUT....my friends dog grabbed him when he was staying at their house. Friend is really upset and we took him to the vets who says there is nothing broken but that he probably has nerve damage. His lovely personality hasnt changed but he is dragging both legs behind him. He was given some anti inflammatories just in case that would help but tomorrow is D day for his long term prognosis.
Im not even sure if my vet will agree to it but has anyone ever heard of bunnies having their back legs removed..??? :?
If it is nerve damage then it is possible he could recover BUT it may take several weeks of treatment.

This would include non steroidal anti-inflammatories and intensive physiotherapy. Possibly acupuncture too.

How long ago was the accident ?

As to a Rabbit having BOTH hind legs amputated, personally I do not believe that to be ethical.
Agree 100% with Jane. Be prepared for several weeks, if not months, of physio and anti-inflamatories before deciding that he's not going to get any better. I had a bunny with a single hind limb amputation and she coped fine but as Jane has said, I don't think a double hind-limb amputuation would be ethical.
Just over a year ago, my cat had a hind leg removed after a freak accident.
he's doing so well, but both legs?? No, I don't think so.
So sorry for your bunny
If the issue is he's not moving his back end then amputating won't help. It's likely he's just end up putting pressure on delicate places and that would could more trouble. You really need 4-6 weeks to see if there is going to be improvement and during that time some gentle phsio to help the muscles.

Some people do keep bunnies with paralysed backends, but it does require a lot of nursing and you'd have to consider quality of life and whether that's right for your bunny.
I cant offer any advice but just wanted to say how sorry I am that this has occurred.

Thinking of you wee bun and hope the paralysis is temporary

Fee xx
http://pinterest.com/pin/513410426240531032/ The bunny in this video is a double amputee and seems quite happy. I found this on their website ( north Texas rabbit sanctuary )

Lily came to us with a broken back and had to have both back legs amputated. Lily needs to have her bladder expressed at least twice a day to prevent a urinary tract infection.

It does seem hard and expensive ( I don't think custom made, bunny sized wheelchairs come cheap ) but it is possible.