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Will our buck her buck hurt our new doe?


New Kit
Hello all,

We've had a buck for about 5 months and after having been told he'd be better alone, we decided to get him a companion after reading everywhere they rarely want to be on their own. He's now about 8-10 months and an average size I would say.

We've just purchased a you doe (told she was around 10 weeks) and introduced them. They seem to get on very well with both approaching the other equally/no fighting etc. After getting them out of the cage and allowing them to roam free in the house the male attempted to mate the female several times - interrupted of course!

He's been neutered for about 5 weeks, so we're not worried about babies and will spay her when she's old enough, but are worried that as a fully grown male, he may hurt the little girl. If so, should we wait until she's fully grown if she's going to be with a fully grown male or will she be fine?

Any advice would be great,

Many thanks.

Hi Neil, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your newest bunny addition :D

It's preferable to wait until both are at least 6-8 weeks post spay/neuter so it would be better to wait and bond them once she is spayed, yes :)

This is an article I wrote about bonding which may be worth a read.
:wave: Welcome

I'm not an expert bunny keeper and I'm sure someone will be along to answer your question. I have a large Male californian Rex who the rescue bonded with a very small female lionhead cross. I was really worried for her but they are fine. I think it's best to leave bonding until they have both been neutered though?

Good luck and can we see some pictures?:)
Thank you very much.

We'll keep them apart for now then. We've put them in neighboring cages and will let them out together under close mounting-watch. We've looked back and he'll be 6 weeks post-op this Wednesday, but will keep them apart until she's a bit bigger and has been spayed.

They did seem to get on very well until that though, so fingers crossed for the future.

Thanks again,
