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Advice on getting a pair of Does


Young Bun
Hi everyone,
I don't if I'm posting this in the right section, but I'm looking for some advice on getting two rabbits.
In December we sadly lost our 8 year old buck, but today we visited a rescue centre and saw a pair of 1 year old Does. We are thinking of giving them a new home with us.

I haven't had Does before, so my question is are they more "temperamental" than bucks or any other characteristics that are different to bucks? They will need to be neutered, but seem they are already paired and seem happy together.

My other question is that one is a lop, are there any particular problems with lops? ear infections etc?

thank you.
No they are not more temperamental well at least mine aren't, its all down to the particular rabbit not their sex.
In my experience if the does are getting on well together when they are not neutered, the chances are neutering them will only help to enhance their relationship, and of course stop the risk of ovarain cancer.

I've never heard of lop eared bunnies having any more problems with their ears than uppy eared bunnies.

Hopefully you'll adopt this pair, their spay will go well and they'll live happily together for many years to come.:thumb::D