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what should i do now? re bladder sludge


Mama Doe
hi all....
havent been on here for a while due to my ill health.... enough about me:oops:
hazel is 6 years old and spayed, she has had bladder sludge since we got her at 8 weeks...
shes going through a really bad patch of it right now.. worst ever, shes wobbly on her feet and is hurting more than i am happy with
shes on metacam, baytril and probiotics/fibreplex
i cant put her through a bladder wash as shes a very stressy bun and i know she wont survive it...
is there anything else i can do thats not evasive?
is this the beginning of the end? shes rolled a few times after we have given her meds... is this due to toxins in her building up?
any help greatly received...
thanks kellie, hazel and buttons
Has your vet ruled out EC. That can cause wobblyness and damage to the kidneys which in turn could contribute to the way she is processing the calcium (hence the bladder sludge).
shes had it 6 years?....she lives with another bun, hes fine and we have had other buns around her during her life too????
What about diet and bladder expressions? Those two things helped my bun a lot, though we do not have any underlying EC. I do think my girl is more comfortable when I express her bladder on a regular basis. We also cut out almost all pellets from her diet and are feeding her wet spring greens to increase her water intake. I usually try to get her to hop around her pen a few times, then settle her down to express her bladder when all the sediment is still splashing around in there, so I can get it out.

I hope that helps! We saw improvement in her urinary issues in about a week or two with this regiment.
One of my girls gets bouts of cystitis and bladder sludge

She was given a 28 course of panacur whilst she underwent treatment with septrin and metacam. but it used to return and she needed her bladder expressing also, but since then she has been kept on engymycin injections every 3 days and she's been brilliant since then

I also feed her plenty of wet greens to keep her fluid intake up as she is a reluctant drinker