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2 young bunnies passed away


New Kit
I brought two young bunnies from a store within just a few weeks one of them died suddenly the other bunny was treated to prevent it getting the disease and then we were told we could have another bunny. I did buy the most beautiful funny little bunny that you have ever seen and a couple of nights ago just a baby she died too! They have a beautiful home protected from the weather. The finest bunny food. Lots of attention. I am heartbroken!
I'm sorry to hear about your losses. Can you tell us a little more about the symptoms and what the vet said - what disease did they diagnose? Also how old were they and did they are come from the same store?
Hello and welcome! Sorry for your losses, and that you have joined the forum after something so sad :(

Were they living outside? Bunnies that are bought from pet shops at this time of year should not be put outside as its too cold for them, they don't have the winter coat they require to stay warm after being in a warm store.

If it was definitely a disease, then it sounds like something the pet shop is not a good one having diseased bunnies so young (not that any pet shop is a good one). But I would avoid any more rabbits from such a place after having two rabbits die so young. Sadly this is a common occurence with pet shop rabbits as they are commercially farmed for stores to sell for money rather than for health.
Such a shame, a lot of pet shops are just breeding animals for profit etc.However they are not all bad,our first rabbit came from a pet shop,albeit a small independant one rather than a big chain.My niece at 16 decided she wanted a bunny and her dad caved in and let her..sigh.. Cue me searching sites etc about their care and welfare.We then found out out that they can be delicate and demanding creatures."Rio" was a tri coloured mini lop,with a bit of "something" in the mix I think,he weighed nearly 8 pounds as an adult and could kick like a mule.he was a loving bun on his terms ,always on the ground never picked up,but he loved being petted and fussed over.He died suddenly in february aged eight.His wifey bun Cleo was bought when Rio was four she came from a breeder and a rabbit shower ,she was a fluffy grey cross mini lop and lion head.She had some health problems ,prone to stasis and bladder infections,at the vet more times in a few years than rio was in his lifetime.Alas she died last April from a severe gut stasis,she was treated by a vet but she was suffering, in the end she was put to sleep.

A lot of people don't realise the care needed for rabbits,it's sad but sometimes it's just luck if you get a healthy long lived rabbit.

Both of the buns were house rabbits and lived free in the house except at nightime when they were caged.
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