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Cat Flaps and Bunnies AND FELT ROOFING


Warren Scout
Hi all,
How easy it it to train a bunny to use a catflap? I have 8 girls and they are moving into their new playhouse soon. I can't stop imagining one of my rabbits going through a cat flap and the flap just whacking another one in the face! :lol: Does this happen with anyone's rabbits when using their catflap?

Anyway, the playhouse came with this ( http://www.staywell.co.uk/Intl/UK/Products/Medium-Dogs/Original-2-Way-Medium-Pet-Door-White ) dog/cat flap but I'm not sure whether they will be able to use it very well (if you watch the video at around 1 minute you should see why) :? It has this weird brown clip on thing which makes it harder to open and makes a really loud noise when it shuts, but I can't take it off or the flap will just fall off, it was broken when I got it.

Should I just use it or buy a new, smaller one (I have a small budget to do this up, £10 for a catflap) which may not be any better? Once it is done, (possibly this weekend, but I still have to get the lino, felt, plywood e.t.c.) I will be sure to post loads of photos ;)
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Missy has exactly this flap in her shed, took her roughly 10 minutes to figure out how to use it and then that was it, just couldn't stop going in... and out... and in... and out :lol:

It does flap back quite a bit I have to say but she seems ok with it :thumb:
I have the same one and all my rabbits except one have been able to use it. I have had a group of five in the shed but now have just two. One of the girls, Frankie, has never been able to use it, I have had her nearly a year now, she was unwanted by her family. She just doesnt understand that you need to push it to get it to open but if I hold it open she will go through. I have got round this by taking the plastic door off which just slots out each side. I am not sure how this will work in the really cold weather though as it will let the cold air in.
Hi, thank you all for replying, I think I'm just going to probably stick with it. I will see if the bunnies will go through it tomorrow and if they do I will use it.

Now I have a problem with felt...I literally only need about 3 metres of it and all I can find are rolls of 10 meters about 2 hours away from where I am! :( Does anyone buy rolls of felt who would be able to sell some to me by the meter? Sorry if this sounds a little rude :oops: