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Exercise in winter?


New Kit
Hi all,I'm new on where so not sure if this is the right area to post but where does your rabbit exercise in the winter. We have a double hutch so have run downstairs but at moment too wet once our cover arrives hopefully be ok for Rosie to go downstairs. I've tried bringing her inside but she just sat there.
Any suggestions?
It's generally not advisable to bring them indoors in the cold weather because the difference in temperatures can cause problems for them.

Mine have a fairly big shed and run which they can always access, and I do let them run around outside sometimes too, albeit not as often as in the summer.
Mine aren't too bothered by rain unless it's really heavy.
My bunnys have a 12x4 house with a attached 6x4 run they have access to the run all day till bedtime then I close the door on the tunnel I try let them out in the garden as often as possible :):)
Mine have an attached run but have access to the full garden whenever I am in. They don't like the rain or if it is really windy but will sit quite happily in the snow for long periods of time!!

My way of looking at it is - if they want to be out they will and if they don't like the weather they will stay in.
mine can't freerange in our garden because it is huge and has so many holes/gaps i'd never be able to bunnyproof it fully. Two of mine don't actually get that much time on the grass, someone has to be in the garden at ALL times with them so it is very limited. However they do have a 10x5ft aviary permanently and they occasionally come in the kitchen, depending on temperature. my other bun can be out all day without supervision though, so she gets more time in the run. I tend to find that toys actually entertain them more, like tunnels/dig trays/ grass pots etc. :)