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Rabbits and puppy?

Hey, I've got a pair of house rabbits, and have just got a puppy. I obviously want them to go along and be out running around together. Has anyone got any tips? I've already started a bit of bonding. Thanks!
You will need to make sure they are never alone together. Rabbits are fragile and a playful pup could easily injure one of them. The puppy needs lots of positive reinforcement that means if he is quiet around the buns he gets tasty treats. At the moment though the main thing will be keeping them separate because pup will be far too tempted to chase the buns. This is from my own experience but thankfully my buns are outdoor so keeping my puppy separate is a lot easier.
Thanks for your advice. I agree I'd never let them loose alone, as my pup is not aggressive at all towards my buns but he is playful. The most I've done is have the buns loose and pup on a lead. I have seen dogs and buns out loose together though so I hope to get to that stage when my dog is older. Do you have a pup and buns that are out at the same time?