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Another question from a newbie!

Hi, Our new rabbits have a run on the grass. They are not yet toilet trained (although I hope they will become so!). How are you supposed to clean up the poop from the grass as it seems that leaving it is not a good idea but I can't really work out how to clean it up!


i would buy some disposable gloves (wilkinson sell them) and then pick them up by hand and leave them in the litter tray. you can also put the litter tray where they tend to poo more and then gradually move it once they have the hang of using it
You might find it easier to sweep up with a soft brush. I pick them up out of the run with my fingers, no gloves, but I don't find bunny poop to be gross really, maybe I'm a bit gross though :lol:
They should get the hang of litter training if you put the poops where you want them to do them. Buns like to munch whilst they poop and wee so putting hay in or near to the litter tray helps.
I don't think poop is too much of a hazard in terms of flies as it should be very dry and crumbly but their first poops (their caecotrophs which they should eat straight away) are sticky and smelly so if they have excess caecos I would make sure you clear them up and look at their diet as they shouldn't be leaving those.
Hope this helps.
the poo disappears in to the ground very quickly as compost, if you are able to just move the run around the garden.