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For Flossie Fluffet

Bea & Floss

Mama Doe
I feel bad for not posting this earlier but then i feel bad for how you passed so i guess i just couldn't face it :( I am sorry your passing wasn't more peaceful but i hope that you had a happy life here with me. I did try to give you the best of everything i could.

You were the cutest ball of fluff ever but the rescue said no one else wanted you :( apprently people don't like rews and your beautiful fluffy coat was too much like hard work, yes it was hard work and you did get some funny old haircuts :oops::lol: but you were worth all the effort. You also had such an amazing character :love: You had a lot to deal with in your little life, lots of illness but no matter what life threw at you you always just got on with it, it never got you down and you were a funny busy little bee right till the end :love: I miss you Floss and so does Beatrice :cry: but hopefully you are with Teddy now till we all meet again :love:



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