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Bonding advise


Warren Veteran
Hi everyone - hope you are all okay.

We have an 8 month old boy - neutered about 5 weeks ago - and on Sunday we brought home a 13 week old baby girl. She is in the same room as him - but in a starter cage to begin with which is about a meter away from his cage (which is a big 5 foot square pen). Our boy has complete range of the dining room/living room when we are at home. So far they have met through the bars of her cage - they have licked each others noses and he lies down next to her cage - with her lying down on the other side. He does seem to be a very happy bunny since they've met - far more affectionate with us humans, and binky'ing all over the place. It seems to us that he is in love and she seems to be returning his feelings...so far there has been no aggression at all from him or her. It is really rather lovely to see him like this - happiest little chap in the world at the moment.

We don't really have a 'neutral' place in our flat - our boy has been able to get into every room (sometimes with permission - usually not, little scamp) so my intention is to erect a playpen (I've got one of those that you can make as small or as big) in the lounge this weekend and introduce them in that, whilst being on hand to prevent any bad behaviour. They cannot be together properly yet as I am still changing her food gradually over to his food so that will take a wee while but I would like to get them bonded as much as possible in the mean time.

Would this weekend be too early? Given that they both really seem to like each other ALOT?

All advice gratefully accepted.


You're going to need to create a neutral space, such as in the kitchen, if you don't have a neutral space already available.

I personally don't recommend bonding until adulthood (and preferably when both are spayed/neutered), so I would be suggesting waiting, however, I know that's not what you want to hear. The advice I tend to give people can be found here. http://flashsplace.webs.com/bondingbunnies.htm

Good luck whatever you decide.