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photo of my bunny's sore eyes

bunny mad lisa

Mama Doe
this is Bonnie my french lop who has been suffering with sore eyes for a couple of months now. I think it is since she lost her partner as he cleaned her eyes and she always had a little sleep in the corners. They get crusty in the corners and my vet has said it looks like conjunctivitus but it very rarely clears up and if we stop eye drops it comes straight back.

Now they are a little more red in the inner lids and they get sore in the corners (but only the corners)

she has had them:
*flushed and they were not blocked
*had fucithalmis eye cream(which helps stop it get worse, but doesn't now clear it fully like it has in the past)
* had tiacil which she had a bad reaction too and it made her eyes bright red and sore, so stopped straight away
* had exocin drops which helped a little but not as good as cream
*had them checked for ulcers
*had teeth checked but look ok
* doesn't have any other problems and eats well and happy in herself

its just getting annouying now and i hate to think they are sore. The eyes don't get a huge amount of discharge and the picture shown is at its worst but i wonder what else we could try. My vet has suggested that we do a swab to see if we can find anything but its what to treat with that then becomes a problem!

has anyone tried steroid eye drops?
or had a rabbit with eyes like this.
Aww sorry ya bunny got sore eyes I can't help but I hope you can find something to help him/her get better
my bunny has something similar. She pretty much had everything you listed done, but also had the steriod drops.
When it was flushed did it have any stuff in it?
I got an x ray of my buns teeth, and it turned out that it was the back of her incisor was pressing into the tear duct so blocking it there, this ended up with an infection there aswell. There isnt really anything we can do at the moment, as apparently even incisor removal wouldnt help now as the tear duct wont change back to normal.
Shes not on any drops at the moment, but it hasnt got too bad at the moment, I just clean it with warm water.
.. Anyway not really much help sorry :lol: just my experiance ive had with my bun
I might well get jumped on for suggesting it, but I have had miraculous results in the past when all else has failed with eye washes made from a brew of eyebright (euphrasia officinalis) get the herb, fresh or dried and brew it into a tea, leave til cold and strain through a clean filter paper, then strain again through a fresh one. Keeps in the fridge for up to 48 hours and makes the most soothing eyewash. I have used this every summer on myself and it has always worked, also used it on rabbits and sheep when nothing else worked:thumb:
my bunny has something similar. She pretty much had everything you listed done, but also had the steriod drops.
When it was flushed did it have any stuff in it?
I got an x ray of my buns teeth, and it turned out that it was the back of her incisor was pressing into the tear duct so blocking it there, this ended up with an infection there aswell. There isnt really anything we can do at the moment, as apparently even incisor removal wouldnt help now as the tear duct wont change back to normal.
Shes not on any drops at the moment, but it hasnt got too bad at the moment, I just clean it with warm water.
.. Anyway not really much help sorry :lol: just my experiance ive had with my bun

that was helpful thanks as my vet has never used steroid eye drops in rabbits so is a little weary! did the steroid ones work any better? and can i ask the name of them please?
when the tear ducts were flushed they were clear and not blocked at all.
My Rabbits eyes looked very similar to this a few weeks ago.

After taking him to see the vet, she diagnosed it as a fine scratch on the eyeball itself, which was causing him to "cry" milky tears. (The scratch was on the white part of the eye under the eyelid) I was given eye drops to give him twice a day, but I'm at work at the moment so cant tell you what exactly was in the drops...

To diagnose it the vet first put drops of red dye in his eyes and then shined a light into them whilst looking through some sort of microscope. She then applied a fluid which had the consitency of hair gel into his eyes which glowed in the dark. She then looked at his eyes again through the microscope but shone a dark/black light instead.

I obviously can't say if this is it, but it might be worth checking...
I'm going through something rather similar, but not as bad. Have been through all the skull x-rays, swabs, tear-duct flushing etc. At present using the eye drops.

Things I was also advised to do: bathe the eyes with cold tea; bed on newspaper (no hay); spray feeding hay lightly with water to get rid of any dust.

Not sure whether these suggestions are any of help to you, but thought I would pass them on, just in case.
that was helpful thanks as my vet has never used steroid eye drops in rabbits so is a little weary! did the steroid ones work any better? and can i ask the name of them please?
when the tear ducts were flushed they were clear and not blocked at all.

They were called Maxitrol eye drops. Didnt make much difference for my bun, but then we found out later the problem was caused by her teeth so makes sense now.