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Warren Veteran
Got my two together for a first binding session, and Harvey won't stop mounting poor Lilly! Am I supposed to let him or push him off as I keep doing? He also grabs her fur when he mounts and has pulled a couple mouthfuls out! I don't want him to hurt her!

Lilly isn't bothered, she just keeps offering Harvey her forehead!

Both laying down now next to each other but only as a result of me giving them head rubs!

Is mounting like this normal! Will he stop eventually?
I'm sure someone more experienced in bonding will be along got advise you soon but from what I have read on other threads this sounds very normal, the mounting is their way of sorting out the pecking order, a bit of fur pulling is ok I think and it sounds promising that one is happy to allow the other to be top bun. The head offering is an invitation to groom isn't it? Keep a close eye and only separate if there is full on fighting I think is the usual advise but like I said, I am no expert.

Good luck!
He's trying his very hardest to mount her, but she's getting annoyed by the fur pulling, he seems to have tired himself out now, we've had lots of rolling over from him! Showing off his little white belly! He's letting her sniff all over him whilst he's laid down although he seems out of breath! Not surprised after the speed he was going at!
Fiver did this to Xena when I put them together for the first time last week, I was quite shocked how much fur he was pulling out. Xena just sat there and growled and when she escaped, he would chase her and mount her again. I just let them get on with it but I separated them after a while just to give Xena a break more than anything. I put Xena in a cage which was in the room Fiver was in so they could still see and sniff each other. I tried again the next day and there was a lot less fur pulling and humping.
I'm not sure if this is what your meant to do but they live together quite happily now :D
Mounting is a normal part of bonding. You need to watch the reaction of mountee to ensure it doesn't turn into a fight. But, if the mounting is excessive he can damage himself (and if he is grabbing fur that can obviously be uncomfortable for her) so anything excessive should be discouraged. I gently move mine off sideways if he is really going for it.
That's encouraging, well they just laid down pressed into each other which was adorable but now more mounting :( she doesn't seem bothered, just hops off if she is :s she just rolled over whilst he was on her! :s
Whenever they're not mounting now they're laid side by side :) no grooming each other though, they both keep offering their heads to the other for grooming! I wonder who will break first and give the other a lick!!!
haha well I would personally leave them to it unless either Lilly starts getting really distressed or if Harvey draws blood.

Good luck!
10 months ago, she is not spayed though. But her temporary accommodation is really too small for her so I want to start the bonding process now so I can get them moved in with each other and in a bigger environment ASAP. She has a health check with a vet on Monday so I'm going to discuss spaying with the vet then. She's only 16 weeks though so the minimum age for spaying!
Ah ok. At least you know his hormones are not playing a part. I hope her hormones don't cause a problem with the bonding. :)
Lilly just did some humping!!! She got the wrong end though, Harvey was unimpressed! He's finally giving her a break though. I think I'll end bonding session 1 now whilst they're both happy!

Here's some pictures from this session.

First introducing Lilly :) (see what I mean about big ears!)


This is them asking each other for grooming but refusing to give each other a groom!


Harvey rolled over about 10 times, often right next to her. I think he's trying to flirt! (I hope so anyway :p )


When he laid down she kept going and laying next to him which was very sweet!!



I have my fingers crossed for the next bonding session!!
I don't think it is usual to advise a stop start bonding as each time they meet they will have to go through the processes they have gone through today, it is normally advised to pick a time to start when you can keep them together and watch them 24/7 for a couple of days :?
I don't think it is usual to advise a stop start bonding as each time they meet they will have to go through the processes they have gone through today, it is normally advised to pick a time to start when you can keep them together and watch them 24/7 for a couple of days :?

I'm trying the "dating" approach as I think it sounds much safer, don't want to just put them together especially in my bun's home as he might get territorial. I'm going to do cage swapping and dating until they are comfortable with eachother :)

I don't think I'd be able to have time to observe them 24/7 for a few days! So I want them to be used to each other when they move in together, I'll observe them as much as possible when this happens but at least if they're already bonded the process will go smoother and there won't be as much risk if I can't be there watching all the time
Harvey did less mounting today!! There was still a lot though! But he did more of offering his forehead to her asking for a groom, she took these opportunities to mount his head though! However he enjoyed having his head mounted, he got all snoozy and relaxed as if he was getting a head rub!

Harvey licked her forehead for about 20 seconds, but a lot of the time they were pestering me for head rubs or laying in different places in the room. I think it's going quite well, they enjoy each others company and Harvey rolls over all the time around her, and she's happy to wash and kick her legs back when around him :)
Not sure but think the rolling is something to do with scent marking. My boy does it if he comes in the kitchen after his sister, they will not bond.
He doesn't just roll over and get up though, he rolls over and then lays down snoozing for ages after, even when Lilly hops over to sniff he often just remains laying if he's already doing so. Harvey rolled over regularly before I got her as well, it's a flop over in pure happiness kind of roll followed by a nap.
Yay no mounting today FINALLY!!! From either of them!!

Harvey has been licking Lilly's forehead and ear, she refused to lick him yet and the poor thing looks rather rejected and upset when she doesn't respond to his forehead offering!!!

Very pleased with their progress though :)