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I may have to seperate my bunnies


Warren Veteran
I have posted on health page about my possibly injured female unspayed bunny. It seems to be she has been injured by over enthusiastic neutered male. They have been togther all her life (4) he is 6. Today I have had to seperate them before vet visit so they are in two halves of their enclosure with wire fence between.

If there is no alternative but to keep them apart is it best that they can see and touch each other through a wire fence rather than not being able to see each other???
I haven't seen your other thread yet, but I imagine the first step would be for her to be spayed.

I wouldn't say there's 'no hope' for the bond though :)
I spoke to vet today about her being spayed and he said that it was a very big op for an older rabbit and she would have to completely fit and well before they would even consider it and in the meantime they have to be kept seperate for her own good.
I am not at all worried about their bond I am sure that having been together all the time they would go back together no problem I am more worried that they might pine away from being seperated! During the day they can touch each other through an wire fence that is fairly open but not open enough for them to climb through.
I have no choice but to seperate them on vets advice I just hope they don't pine too much.
I am no expert but I don't think 4 is too old for a doe to be spayed. It would be in the best interests of her health due to the high risk of uterine cancer, of which there are many sad examples on here.
I agree 4 is not old and I know that nearly all unspayed females die of uterine cancer, my last bunny developed it at 9 yrs old. Its not a def no on but will have to get her fit and well again before even thinking of it.
If the injury was cause by the male to the female then I don't really see how neutering her would help (unless she's pestering and winding him up)- although for health reasons she would be better off neutered. Where they fighting? What is the injury? Is there anything in the environment that could be making him more amorous than usual? How much space do they have? I would keep it so they can touch and sniff each other for company and depending on the answer to the previous questions rebond (if they're not fighting it should be pretty straightforward) and make sure they have plenty of space and hidy holes to get away from each other. Maybe a toy rabbit for him to take his frustrations out on?