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Aurora and Ariel .... health warning ...this pic may cause you to sqeeee


Wise Old Thumper
You sure these 2 are up for adoption?? WTF?? WHY would ANYONE give up these little darlings!!!!!!!!!!!:love::love::love::love:
You sure these 2 are up for adoption?? WTF?? WHY would ANYONE give up these little darlings!!!!!!!!!!!:love::love::love::love:

yes they will be up for adoption once they are old enough and spayed ..(sent them to a fosterer so i wouldnt get attached ..:? )

they were part of yet another unplanned/unwanted litter .. :(
:love:Squeeee :love:

*Trying to work out how I could fit another two buns in*

You have such adorable bunnies, Angie. I so wish I lived nearer so I could foster (but then my one attempt at doing that for Starlights meant I ended up with three new bunnies:oops:)
I am so glad I have never fostered any buns as tiny or totally gorgeous, I would possibly struggle with saying goodbye. My fosters have all been very special in their own ways though!