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Young female and 2 yr male bonding

Hi I really need some help with bonding my two rabbits. I got a female rabbit in October (she was only 3 months) and ive had my male rabbit for two years. This was the 4th day of bonding and I am hitting a brick wall. My female who is not spayed keeps mounting the male. The male is nurtured. He doesnt seem to show much of an interest in her, he gives her the odd sniff. Today she just wouldnt leave him along at all, but he is tolerating her and when I thought a fight was going to start I very quickly separated them to a couple of feet apart (like ive read to do). Would people recommend me getting to female spayed and if so could people give me some advice on recovery etc? Really want my rabbits to be happy together :(

Any advice would be great
Thanks very much, yes I think spaying is the only option as she does grunt a lot and if I let her out in a large space she lungs at me when I try to put her back in her cage. I just hate the thought of leaving her in the vets and putting her though that :( Oh I would also like to point out I dont the bonding in a neutral space, really dont it by the rule book haha.
It can be difficult, but there are a lot of positive reasons for her to be spayed for her benefit.

The younger she is, generally the easier she will recover, and the better condition she is in, the better the chane of her coming through the GA and recovering. There will always be risks, but the better the vet and the better the condition of the bunny, then the smaller the risk.

Do you have a rabbit savvy vet?
Dear little girl!! It all gets better when those nasty hormones are taken away!!
Little Miss can vouch for that!!! (And her new husbun!! Theyre on day 5!!)
yes the vet I got to is very good he done my two males. One of my males Marilyn took a really bad stroke and they where so good with him so I do trust them. She is only5 months so is this a good time to get her spayed?

Yes Ive read loads of bonding articals and yes all say they calm alot once they are spayed :( However with my males its didnt work with them I had to split them up in the end because the fighting got too much.