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Have had to separate my 2 boys : (


Young Bun
Do you think I have done the right thing? So worried I've had two male giants who have been together for the last six months perfectly happy- bonded brilliantly - then about 3/4 weeks ago they started really fighting badly body slamming into each other pinning each other to the ground biting ears and body making each other bleed so i separated them for few days but made sure able to see each other reintroduced them things settled down then aggressive biting to the point of drawing blood huge bites on the back. So i made a huge decision yesterday and decided they couldn't be together as they are both huge they would hurt each other so a friend of mine has taken one to their house - I just feel so terrible I couldn't leave them to get seriously hurt. Can anyone tell me if they think Ive done the right thing. I feel so sad:cry:
It's impossible to say without knowing the entire situation, but they definitely need to be apart if they are a risk to each other.

Are they both spayed/neutered? Have both boys had a full health check in case some sort of health issue has sparked this?

Were there any changes to their set up or life when the fighting started? Any new additions to the household? Other bunnies? predators? babies?
Nothings changed within the family or health only just been to vets for check all ok. They aren't neutured but the vet said that shouldn't have caused a problem as they have always been fine together? I'm no expert just feel sad today worried about them both.
I'm so sorry but I think your vet was completely wrong. Not neutering can cause many problems along the way. You might find that if they are neutered and given 2 months or so for their hormones to die down, that they may be rebondable, although, because the fights have been going on for so long, the damage may not be reparable. Had they been neutered as soon as their bits dropped, this situation may not have arisen. I'm so sorry your vets have let you down.
I give in - I thought I did the right thing going to vet I feel so stupid. Maybe then its not such a bad thing Ringo who's stayed with us loves being inside with the children and Nutmeg who's gone to a friend is in good hands - I think we'll probably just keep things the way they are, giving lots of cuddles to Ringo and I know Nutmeg is happy. You feel so bad I love them both to bits sobbed as I let Nutmeg leave home yesterday. Never mind i'm just glad neither has seriously hurt each other. Thanks
Don't give in. You did the right thing by seeking advice. The vets let you down. That's not your fault, now it just means that you need to find a better vet in your area (A good way to do this can be starting a thread on here called 'Looking for rabbit savvy vet in X area' and seeing if anyone can recommend someone to you.

It would still be sensible to get them both neutered (obviously you're only responsible for the one you have now) for their health and wellbeing and hopefully with the aim of getting them a spayed friend to bond with.
Thanks for that - do you think I need to keep an eye out for problems from separating them? Theres a local rabbit rehoming place about 30 miles away i'll give them a call and find out which vet they use. I don't know we get these little guys and worry about them so much. Nutmeg is beautiful blue giant continental and Ringo is so cute he's a cross Giant Continental/Papillion so both big boys.
I think that it's important to keep an eye out for physical problems (such as abscesses from bites, for example) but likely because the past few weeks have been so stressful for them that now, hopefully, they will feel more relaxed.

They sound beautiful, and I really think we need to see some photos of them :D

That's a good idea about the rabbit rescue. I hope they can help you :)