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hello RU we iz new (very pic heavy) FIXED ***


Alpha Buck
as promised finally pictures and vids of my tiny family - sorry the picture quailty is not great but they are taken on my fone:oops:
(please dont judge their living quaters or amount of toys to harshly as only had them dumped on me a week or so ago and never had bunnies in my house) - they all have hours out side their cage every day tho and lots of treats :D
nooooow over to the bunnies

this is meh chloe :wave: when i first met my new mummeh i was very scared:cry: for me and my babies...

but mummeh fed us lots of nice fings and gave us all lots of attention and wez started to feel safe and happy .....(she not tooo bad for hoomin);)

this meh explozing mummehs living room and my toys ....




and this is meh wit meh babies ... they will introduce thezselves in a bit .... but there is jet, chip, dandelion and biscuit



i loves them lots but they drive meh a lil bit crazy mummeh has to let me have an hour or so away from them so i get some peace... this is meh chillin on my new fancy bed mummeh gotz meh :D

was a bit hot from the runnings so mummeh gots meh a coooold bottle - thats better mummeh

right i is off now mummeh is comming my way with some spinach yummmy

bye RU looking forward to getting to know all of you:wave:
ps hope u like meh babbies they is up next
sorry pics are so large
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Welcome! :wave:

You copied the HTML code instead of the BB code so I've fixed it for you. :)

as promised finally pictures and vids of my tiny family - sorry the picture quailty is not great but they are taken on my fone:oops:
(please dont judge their living quaters or amount of toys to harshly as only had them dumped on me a week or so ago and never had bunnies in my house) - they all have hours out side their cage every day tho and lots of treats :D
nooooow over to the bunnies

this is meh chloe :wave: when i first met my new mummeh i was very scared:cry: for me and my babies...

but mummeh fed us lots of nice fings and gave us all lots of attention and wez started to feel safe and happy .....(she not tooo bad for hoomin);)

this meh explozing mummehs living room and my toys ....




and this is meh wit meh babies ... they will introduce thezselves in a bit .... but there is jet, chip, dandelion and biscuit



i loves them lots but they drive meh a lil bit crazy mummeh has to let me have an hour or so away from them so i get some peace... this is meh chillin on my new fancy bed mummeh gotz meh :D

was a bit hot from the runnings so mummeh gots meh a coooold bottle - thats better mummer

right i is off now mummeh is comming my way with some spinach yummmy

bye RU looking forward to getting to know all of you:wave:
ps hope u like meh babbies they is up next
awww thanks so much for fixing it for me :wave: wish i had read that before deleting it all and putting it on again lol:oops:
they're beautiful!

Bless Chloe though, having to have a bit of peace and quiet from her babies!

They're all beautiful and so adorable :love:

Your accommodation looks great, especially considering the circumstances :wave::)

They'll soon find their own 'toys' to play with too :lol: usually a table leg, a stray bin bag corner etc... Try toilet rolls stuffed with hay and newspaper if she's into shredding; it'll keep her occupied and stimulated until you can invest in a cat tunnel perhaps :)

Squuueeeeeeee they're so CUTE! :love:
They're all beautiful and so adorable :love:

Your accommodation looks great, especially considering the circumstances :wave::)

They'll soon find their own 'toys' to play with too :lol: usually a table leg, a stray bin bag corner etc... Try toilet rolls stuffed with hay and newspaper if she's into shredding; it'll keep her occupied and stimulated until you can invest in a cat tunnel perhaps :)

Squuueeeeeeee they're so CUTE! :love:
my other half has made them a huge cardboard tube with loads of side holes in ( its the tube the fabric comes on that they use at his company)
they absolutely love it:love::love::love::love: