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hello from Blackburn


New Kit
Hiya all, my name is Fee and I have two beautiful continental giants, Gwynneth and Babbitt. I'm looking forward to having a nosey round the forum and chatting to a few experienced bunny owners. :wave:
Welcome to RU.
We love photos!
I especially love seeing Contis as we don't have them here.......hint, hint!;)
Welcome to RU.

Please post some piccies. I have just got a Conti and would love to see a photo of yours! :D:wave:
Thankyou for the lovely welcome. We've just in the past few days lost all but one of our first litter.:cry: They were nearly 9 weeks old and beautiful, cheeky, lively bunnies. Unfortunately they all developed GI stasis and we still don't know how or why and we are heartbroken.
Hopefully we can gather some knowledge from other bunny owners and learn from their experiences. We feel our vet wasn't too helpful so will be changing vets.
Anyway, enough of me wittering, I'll find some photos of my babies to post for you :)

This is Gwynneth (yellow) and Babbitt (steel grey) our beautiful contis :)
Your buns are lovely :)

Were you meaning to breed them?

Hiya Kermit, we bought them for pets but our friends and family loved them and wanted bunnies so we bred them. We had never kept or bred bunnies before and did a lot of research into it yet still had this awful, distressing result.
The bunnies were big, bouncy, lively little eating machines and we had homes lined up for 4 of them.
Welcome :wave:

Unfortunately without knowing three generations back for each rabbit you run the risk of loosing the babies. :( And possibly loosing the mother also. There are lots and lots and lots of rabbits in rescues needing forever homes if your friends and family wanted rabbits. :)