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Rolo has calmed down sooo much!!


Warren Veteran
Since his neuter, he is a different bunny! he dosen't mind being stroked, you can pick him up without having your arms stratched to peices!! evern my little siblings can stroke him without being bitten:roll:


Thats fantastic news so pleased hes ok and better in himself floppy had a terrible pee habbit to mark his territory and now he just doesnt care lol its fab x
I have noticed this already with my girls and its only been 8 days. Their litter training is also amazing now, with no extra work from me, they just seem to 'know' now, there's not been a poo out of place in days :shock:

I wish I had done it sooner! :roll:
I have noticed this already with my girls and its only been 8 days. Their litter training is also amazing now, with no extra work from me, they just seem to 'know' now, there's not been a poo out of place in days :shock:

I wish I had done it sooner! :roll:

aww yey they were spayed ) i saw you had booked them and were nervous etc! im glad their doing well! and man I need to get Matilda done!! she is queen of evil atm!!!