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Rex Lop


Warren Veteran
This is the first time I have seen a rexy lop! She just came in yesterday - isn't she gorgeous?


Hate to say it but although GORGEOUS she aint a Rex. Her fur is too long.

But who cares !! :love:

I knew it!

I though that about her fur, too, although there's probably some rex in there somewhere. But she' s not a rex-shaped bun, either somehow. Still gorgeous though! :love:

Hate to say it but although GORGEOUS she aint a Rex. Her fur is too long.

But who cares !! :love:

Nah - obviously not a purebred but she is definately a rex x - her fur is really soft - I have seen mix breed rexes before but never with the lop ears :)
Wowzer she is a pretty lady and most unusual. She certainly has lots going on in her genetics doens't she!

More photos please!
She's gorgeous :love::love::love:

I had the pleasure of fussing her and her fur is so soft - she would go very well with the other beautiful orange and white rex Fat Fluffs has sneaked in :lol: