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Should I still get a 5 year old spayed - she was previoulsy used for breeding

Barn Yard Bunnies

Staff member
Hi, I have had 2 female before. The males were always neutered. It was only brought to my attention several years ago the problems with uterian cancer in bunnies. My first female bunny lived to 9 and she was not spayed. (I was not aware then). My second female bunny had so many ear operations I never wanted to put her through another op. She passed away recently and was 5 or 6 she too was used for breeding before I got her from a rescue.

Our new bunny is about 5, but we will never know. She was used for breeding all her life so god knows how many litters she had.

I want her to settle on first before considering a spay. Although she is very happy with her companion, she is very wary of humans but is getting used to me. Is she more at risk because she had many litters ?
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I'd say probably run a full set of bloods and then if they come back ok, then get her spayed.
She will have a better chance if shes spayed of reaching an older age as the percent of unspayed does that get cancer is so high :(. I would talk to your vet and ask if they think she is well enough for the op and also he may get a better idea looking at her what age she is.
My girl will be 4 years old this year although she has only lived with me for the past two years I do know the people I got her off did have alot of rabbits but I have no idea if she ever had any litters? I at least got up the courage to have her spayed last Wednesday.
I was under the impression that how many litters they had or hadn't given birth to had no effect on the likelyhood of uterine cancer?! I thought that was a sort of urban myth type thing?

Anyways, I got my Cloud spayed at seven years old and she was absolutely fine. :) I did consider not getting it done due to her age but she was plucking herself bald trying to nest so that tipped it. I'm glad I got it done though as now I don't have to worry so much.