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Mama Doe
How long till I can put Indy and Luna back together,

He was neutered on Thursday and is doing brilliantly and she was speyed a couple of months ago..
How was he acting in terms of hormones?

They can be rebonded when his hormones have died down, but that will differ bunny to bunny.
I'm not sure how he acting as they are seperated and he's been in the poorly pen for a little while.
What should I expect when I first put them together?
Has he been spraying? Chinning? Tail raised? A lot of pooing on the floor to mark territory, etc?

As for what to expect, anything and everything, really. Have you researched bonding?
Yeah i've had a look on here to see what people have said about bonding, they were bonded before but have obviously been apart for a while. I've got puppy pen panels to make a small area for them that are all cleaned and ready to go.