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Worms :-(


Warren Veteran
Another trip to the vets tomorrow morning, just discovered Cookie has worms, I have never ever came across this in any of my bunnies before, so it was a bit of a shock to say the least!!

I've been googling and it seems it can come from either unclean hutches, water or food, but they are always clean, always have fresh water, but the food I scoop out of big bags in the greengrocers, really hoping it's not from that. I always meticulously wash any veggies aswell, although they don't get them often so as not to disturb Frankies tummy.

they are in both the bumbles and soft droppings, and coming out alive, so I think she must have quite a lot which worries me more, If it wasn't for being stuck in the country I would ring the emergency vet, but we are snowed in from civilisation, so wouldn't get there anyway.

She seems ok, and I can't see any signs of it in her sisters poops, but I'm assuming it spreads. Frankie is still not at full strength after her illness which worries me if she has to have medication.

I really can't believe it, does anyone have any experience of this? and any idea of the medication she'll be on? I'll take her sister tomorrow aswell, incase they both have to have medicine. I've also got a bag of the droppings to take.

I'm thinking all I can do in the meantime is remove any droppings from the hutch to try and stop them spreading, or eating and reingesting them.

Sorry to rant on :cry:
Yes, fenbendazole (panacur or lapizole) will kill the worms. The manufacturers of panacur suggest a 9 day course 2- 4 times a year for this (some owners prefer to do a one-off 28 day course as this will help to prevent E. cuniculi as well).