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Can my bun free range on the wet grass??


Warren Scout

Its finally stopped raining here and has brightened up. Can I let my bun out to free range on the grass which is wet for about 30 mins to stretch his legs?

I will obviously dry my bun off before he goes back in his house.

Just wondered if this was really bad in case he got a chill or its ok and I am just being paranoid?

As long as he's already used to grass etc, it won't hurt at all. :)

Alfie and Bubbles have just been out for a run about on the wet grass and, apart from wet tootsies and tummies, are fine.... and I didn't bother to dry them off either. ;)

If they get soaked in a downpour I'll towel dry them, otherwise I let them dry off naturally once they get back into their dry run. :)
Thanks Karen.

Your rabbits are gorgeous. I have an Alfie too, he the opposite to yours as he is all white with black markings. :love:

I chickened out of putting Alfie on the grass today. I will see if its dry tomorrow and let him have a go.

My lot have all been in the garden late this afternoon after heavy rain for a few days.

They soon dry off once they're back in their sheds and they'll spend ages grooming themselves clean afterwards.
Fingers crossed we get a dry spell tomorrow then as I am sure he'll love to tear around the garden. :roll:
Mine were in the house for a bit this afternoon then soon as I saw the rain stopped I was out like a shot cleaning the hutch with them running all over the garden.

No problems at all, they quite often sit out in the run when its raining no common sense mine.