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6 hours later...


Wise Old Thumper
and we have laid some patio slabs, moved Strawberrys playhouse and run down onto the new slabs and move Snowdrops playhouse from the other side of the patio!



Stage 2 is to split Strawberrys run with mesh and put a cat flap in to give Snow access to the other half of it. That will be a next weekend job I think!

Will be much better than having them on opposite sides of the patio where they can't see each other. Heres hoping they start to snuggle up through the mesh and start to enjoy each others company.

will be great if they can tolerate each other and have bunny company through the mesh

When Snowdrop is free ranging and Strawbs is in his run they have a good sniff at each other but they dont try and bite through like they used to. It will be double meshed though just in case! lol