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Waterproofing inside of hutch


Warren Scout

OH is currently working on the bunnies new hutch and came up with a great idea of waterproofing the whole of the inside of the hutch so that we can hose it down inside!

We thought that putting lino on the walls/floor/ceiling would be the best way forward, but then we hit a problem - how do we make the joints waterproof so that water can't get behind them and rot the wood!?!?

Thought about putting wooden beading over the joints but over time they'll be affected by the water and it may get behind them and rot the wood that way (unless there's some sort of treatment I can put on them to make it waterproof?!?).

Also thought about silicone/sealant but then I'm pretty sure they won't be bunny-safe.

So, do any of you know of any products that are ok to use?? Or has anyone got any good ideas as to what else I could use so that water doesn't get behind the lino??

Would really appreciate any suggestions you may have.

I just have wood that is treated with Cuprinol Heritage Shades covering all of the wood that makes up the hutch. Then on the floor I laid some lino stuck down with double sided tape. It's not water proof, I just wash it with wet cloths. I don't think you will be able to make it properly water proof :?
Thanks, we've opted for lino covering the sides, and bottom of hutch internally so that it can be easily wiped down etc.

Shame, the hosing it down idea seemed a really good one at the time! :D