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should i cover the floor?


Mama Doe
i have just got a double dog kennel and run......i have got till next weekend to sort it out. yesterday it rained constantly all day and night.
the tarmac that it is on ended up wet from where it ran under and i am wondering now whether to cover it with something or would it just get damp?
my mind is ticking over constantly, thinking what i can do to make the most of the space! :lol:
i have got hold of a small hutch that i can put in which will give them extra levels.
in the kennel bit i also noticed that it had soaked up some rain and was damp in the corners. its raised off the floor but it did rain hard and the wood just soaked it up...:roll:
has anyone got any ideas? should i line the floor area in the run part with lino and does it matter if the buns eat lino? :?