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Me and Honey-pup


Wise Old Thumper
A picture of me and Honey..taken tonight
This old girl was given about 6 months when we rescued her last April
Well 10 months and counting:love:


If anyone sits on the floor she is immediately there trying to get on your lap:D
Ahh! So glad Honey is doing so well and enjoying a comfortable retirement, I hope she has many more months with you.
:love::love: Gorgeous..... I love spaniels - they are so loving :love::love:

How old is she?

We have no idea as to her age..on the vets card it has "ancient" :lol:
We rescued her from a dreadful place and she was in an awful state..we had the intention of rehoming her and actually had someone willing to take her on..then my hubby couldn't let her go
Here's some of her original story

She looks really contented Jill. It's so lovely to see the oldies given a second chance. Beryl is quickly realising she's landed on her little piggie-feets living amongst my spoiled menagerie :lol: (and Gubbins of course!)
A lovely picture and I enjoyed reading her story on the links. She is a lovely old thing and you were meant to find her.
Your story is the opposite of mine. We went looking for an elderly dog to join our existing dog as I am moved by their plight. At the rescue (a similar set up to the place you got Honey) I found Flint, a young Collie, who had sheets of newspaper on the floor of his concrete kennel to try and reduce the damage to his paws. He was so stressed he had worn the claws away with pacing then chewed off the rest.
Unlike Honey, he was a nightmare once we got him home!
We assumed that his limping was due to his sore paws but then found he had a bony condition requiring surgery on his shoulder. The vets bill came to £2,000 in all and I have to add we didn't even like him that much at the time as he was so badly behaved!
He was/is nervous aggresive and completely stressed out with all he had been through. The surgery and subsequent weeks of resticted exercise only stressed him out more. We have all been bitten by him and I felt terribly guilty at what I had inflicted on the rest of the family BUT we stuck with him because we could see glimses of the dog he really was.
Today he is a different dog. A happy boy who loves his life and us (though still a menace at times!) and I know we were meant to find him:D