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'phlegm' in poos


Young Bun
I took Arthur to the vets the other day for a check up, a nail trim and a myxi vaccine. The next day i went out for a while and when i came in there was a large lump of what looked like phlegm on the the floor, i also found some poos with a similar substance in them on the floor. Does anyone know what this could be?

I've been keeping an eye on him and his eating and drinking is completely normal (i.e. lots of both :D) but i'm not sure how much he is pooping (theres not lots but there is some, and it seems normal size, etc).
I'm not sure what it could be but I've seen people talking on here about mucus on poo. Try searching for that and see if anything comes up. Hope someone that knows their stuff comes along soon.
Mine very occasionally do mucusy poos. I've tried to link it with diet, health or stress etc but it just seems to be something they do. Unless they're showing signs of illness, I don't *think* it's anything to worry about. But I'm sure there will be someone who may know more on this than I do.
I'm not sure what it could be but I've seen people talking on here about mucus on poo. Try searching for that and see if anything comes up. Hope someone that knows their stuff comes along soon.

Aha, that would be a good idea, i knew 'phlegm' (probably spelt wrong too :D) was the wrong word thats why i put it in inverted commas.

For some reason i had the idea that his cage hadn't been cleaned out last night but i have just remembered it was which means there seems to be a normal level of poo/pee for one night, so thats made me feel a bit calmer about the whole thing.

At the moment i'm thinking i will keep an eye on him over the weekend and give the vets a call on Monday morning to see if they think he needs to go back. Any more advice would be appreciated though :)
Mine very occasionally do mucusy poos. I've tried to link it with diet, health or stress etc but it just seems to be something they do. Unless they're showing signs of illness, I don't *think* it's anything to worry about. But I'm sure there will be someone who may know more on this than I do.

Thank you :)
:wave: I don't think it's panick stations but, it's not good either, there is most definately an imbalance in the flora of the gut and digestive system. I would increase hay and add dandelion and use fibreplex for a couple of days, keep to one green like spring greens only for 48 hours and if no improvement get it checked at the vet, keep a sample to show the vet. It could be the onset or result of a bacterial infection aswell I think, you need Jacksjane she will know more than me. I really honestly don't think it's normal although it's not panick stations necessarily.