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im not sure what to feed him?


Warren Scout
ive just started looking after a rabbit that wandered into my neighbers garden and im not sure what food rabbits eat?

ive brought rabbit nuggets earlier, but i have 6 guinea pigs and they have a lot of fruit and veg are rabbits allowed this to??

:) any help is appreciated because i would feel terrible feeding the wrong or not enough food :)
I would try carrots, cabbage, swede, cauliflower or broccolli to start off with. Only small amounts to start with as you cant be sure what he is used to eating. I feed mine a variety of herbs as well mainly basil, coriander and parsley. Well done for looking after the bun.
thankyou :) my i have most of that for my piggies so its good to know the diet doesnt vary to much :)

but what should i stay away from?? :)
:wave: Hi Shauna, have a read of this, click on the link it seems to be quite up to date and accurate, personally I would be inclined to feed some greens (spring greens if poss) and maybe a small piece of apple or cucumber or celery (chopped into small bits) and lots of hay till tomorrow and make sure the poops are nice and firm and round and golden, if they are loose or not right you might need some fibreplex from the vet a fibre supplement to help re-balance the tum. The vet should advise of all this tomorrow for you. x
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Hi, unfortunately as you do not know what he has been eating before it will be hard to know what to give, rabbit-food wise, as a change can make their tummies poorly if not done gradually.

So maybe to begin with feed little bits of rabbit food and give plenty, unlimited hay, as well as veggies. Particularly good are leafy greens, like spring greens, cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, but small amounts to begin with because he may not be used to these.

Rabbit pellets or nuggets are generally better than the muesli type because it prevents selective feeding and they are often balanced to the nutritional requirements of rabbits. But 90% of their diet should be hay.

Here is a link to the RWA leaflets about diet:


thankyou these links are really helpful! and i didnt realise about the hay ill make sure i keep it stocked up during my supplie shopping :)