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Introducing.... Sage!


Warren Scout
As some of you will know, Verity lost her husbun Claude in Nov.
We were both devastated, and Verity became very withdrawn. She just sat huddled in the corner, seemed to be caring less and less about eating, and had stopped coming for fuss. I realised that she was getting depressed, and even though it felt too soon for me, I needed to look into getting her some bunny companionship, and quick! I started to look at rehomes..
I went into the local national petshop/supplier to get her some favorite herbage to try and encourage her to eat, I hadn't set out with intention of bringing home anybun else :oops::lol:.
My mum was with me, and seemed keen to get me to "look at the bunnies" :roll::lol:

I had a look and saw this little fella.

I noticed that his teeth were in a state, and awfully maloccluded. His lower incisors were growing up over his face, one was really long and he was really struggling to drink. His upper insisors were growing inward.
I told the manager and he said that he'd put him "out the back".... :shock:
Well. I was worried just what he ment by that, especially since he couldn't easily eat or drink, so I said I'd take him. The only other rabbit was a grey dutch x female, so I took her as well! I figured that I could try to bond the does, and then the buck when he was over his op. I thought that maybe a trio would be good, and in future if anything did happen, I wouldn't be left with a bereft widdow..
He said that he'd get him checked out by their vets the next day, and I could have him if I made a donation, and signed a contract saying that I understood that he wasn't under the shops usual guarantee.
On the way home I decided Sage was a good name, as he was so long in the tooth when I first saw him! :p:love:
Next day I went to pick him up and the vet had clipped his teeth. :evil: The shorter of the lower insisor had broken/shattered below the gum.
He also appeared suspiciosly ..ahem.. More mature :oops: than his stated 16 weeks.
I held my tounge, because I was worried that they wouldn't let me take him if I kicked off, but I booked him straight in with my vets to discuss options.
A few days later he was seen and his insisors were already growing back fast. The one which appeared to have broken completely was a good few mm again. The vet agreed that he was a good candidate for a dental op, otherwise I would be back and forth every 4 weeks or so for burring. His back teeth looked pretty good so far as they could tell, and I booked him in there and then for a neuter and incisor removal.
The vet agreed he was older, infact said that Sage was more or less fully grown! I was not wrong in my early suspicions, as Sage was clearly a little bit on the frustrated side! :oops:
After the op, he recovered well, and came home. I kept him away from my other buns to start with to give him a chance to get to know me, and for his hormones to settle. Sage seemed to be setting in ok. :love:

And loves checking things out

My laydee bun Verity is very tolerant, but even she couldn't cope with his constant mounting attempts to start with. :rolleyes:
But i've reintroduced them recently, and he'll even let her share his grated carrot! :love:

(spelling edit)
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