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Handsome Honeybunny Cloggs

Introducing the Handsome Honeybunny Cloggs...

I adopted Cloggs from Jill just a few weeks ago and he's been settling in nicely, he doesn't stay still for long so getting photos hasn't been the easiest, but here we go:

"Always best to check out hands... hands equal food!!"

being still for once...

off to investigate somewhere new...

"washing is important, and it's one thing I can't so whilst moving about... firstly the feet..."

Then onto the nose

And you can't forget the ears...

Cloggs really seems to like nose rubs and when you stroke him just puts his head out and closes his eyes a little (tried to get a photo of this but my boyfriend didn't quite seem to get the concept of a nose rub :roll:).

One thing Jill didn't warn me about Cloggs is that he seems to have a bit of a penchant for toes... having had a nibble of both mine and Jons... :lol:

Hannah :)